










职称:特任教授 / 博士生导师

QQ: 1047334406

E-mail: hzj1000@163.com







2018.10 –至今,中国地质大学(武汉),工程学院,特任教授 / 地大百人

2015.2 –2018.8,新加坡国立大学  博士后研究员(Research Fellow

博后课题:天然气水合物的分子模拟研究,导师:Jianwen Jiang,合作者:Praveen Linga

2014.7 – 2015.2,湘潭大学,讲师

2009.9 – 2014.6,华南理工大学,工学博士,导师:周健教授

2012.9 – 2013.9,澳大利亚国立大学联合培养博士,导师:Ben Corry

2005.9 – 2009.6,西南交通大学,工学学士





1. 沉积物中天然气水合物分解与释气动力学的分子模拟研究

2. 沉积物中天然气水合物形成过程的分子模拟研究

3. 天然气水合物形成的抑制机理与水合物新型抑制剂的分子设计

4. 天然气水合物力学特性的分子模拟研究



[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:海底沉积物中天然气水合物形成的分子模拟研究 (No: 41976203)2020.1-2023.12主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:用于离子传输的仿生功能纳米通道分子模拟设计 (No: 21506178)2016.1-2018.12主持

[3] 中科院天然气水合物重点实验室开放课题:芳香性表面活性剂用作水合物防聚剂的作用机理研究 (No: Y907kg1001)2019.1-2020.12主持

[4] 中国地质大学(武汉)人才引进项目“地大百人”计划:天然气水合物资源开采中的关键基础性科学问题的分子模拟研究 (No: 162301182719)主持

[5] 新加坡国立大学天然气研究中心项目:Natural Gas Center: Preparing Singapore for the emerging global natural gas economy (No: R-261-508-001-646/733)2014.9-2018.8项目骨干




(1) He, Z. J.; Jiang, J. W. *, Effects of Temperature and Additives of Amino Acids on the Degassing during CH4 Hydrate Decomposition: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations (Manuscript in preparation).

(2) He, Z. J.; Zhang K., Jiang, J. W. *, Formation of CH4 Hydrate in a Mesoporous Metal-Organic Framework MIL-101: Mechanistic Insights from Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 7002-7008. (SCI, IF=7.392)

(3) He, Z. J. *; Cui, H. S.; Hao, S. H.; Wang, L. P.; Zhou, J. *, Electric-Field Effects on Ionic Hydration: A Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Phys. Chem. B 2018, 122, 5991-5998. (SCI, IF=3.177)

(4) He, Z. J.; Linga, P.; Jiang, J. W. *, CH4 Hydrate Formation between Silica and Graphite Surfaces: Insights from Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Langmuir 2017, 33, 11956-11967. (SCI, IF=3.833).

(5) He, Z. J.; Linga, P.; Jiang, J. W. *, What Are the Key Factors Governing the Nucleation of CO2 Hydrate? Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2017, 19, 15657-15661. (封面论文SCI, IF= 4.123)

(6) He, Z. J.; Gupta, K. M.; Linga, P.; Jiang, J. W. *, Molecular Insights into the Nucleation and Growth of CH4 and CO2 Mixed Hydrates from Microsecond Simulations. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 25225-25236. (SCI, IF=4.536)

(7) He, Z. J.; Zhou, J. *, Probing Carbon Nanotube-Amino Acid Interactions in Aqueous Solution with Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Carbon 2014, 78, 500-509. (SCI, IF=6.337)

(8) He, Z. J.; Corry, B.; Lu, X. H.; Zhou, J. *, A Mechanical Nanogate Based on a Carbon Nanotube for Reversible Control of Ion Conduction. Nanoscale 2014, 3686-3694. (SCI, IF= 7.367)

(9) He, Z. J.; Zhou, J. *; Lu, X. H.; Corry, B. *, Bioinspired Graphene Nanopores with Voltage Tunable Ion Selectivity for Na+ and K+. ACS Nano 2013, 10148-10157. (SCI, IF=13.942)

(10) He, Z. J.; Zhou, J.*; Lu, X. H.; Corry, B.*, Ice-Like Water Structure in Carbon Nanotube (8,8) Induces Cationic Hydration Enhancement. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 11412-11420. (SCI, IF= 4.536)

(11) 贺仲金; 周健*, 离子通过碳纳米管的拉伸分子动力学模拟. 化学学报 2011, 69, 2901-2907. (SCI, IF=2.131)



(12) Zhao, Z. Y; Gupta, K. M.; He, Z. J.; Jiang, J. W.*, Dipeptide Crystals as Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Water Desalination: An Atomistic Simulation Study. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 6026-6032. (SCIIF=4.536)

(13) Zhang, K.; He, Z. J.; Gupta, K. M.; Jiang, J. W.*, Computational Design of 2D Functional Covalent-Organic Framework Membranes for Water Desalination. Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol. 2017, 3, 735-743. (SCIIF= 2.187)

(14) Wang, Y. H; He, Z. J.; Gupta, K. M.; Shi, Q.; Lu, R. F.*, Molecular Dynamics Study on Water Desalination through Functionalized Nanoporous Graphene. Carbon, 2017, 116, 120-127. (SCIIF= 6.337)

(15) Shi, Q.; He, Z. J.; Gupta, K. M.; Wang, Y.; Lu, R. F.*, Efficient Ethanol/Water Separation via Functionalized Nanoporous Graphene Membranes: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Mater. Sci. 2017, 52, 173-184. (SCIIF= 2.599)



(1) He, Z. J. Molecular Simulation Design of Bio-inspired Nanochannels for Ion Transport. The 5th International Conference on Molecular Simulation (ICMS 2019), November 3-6, 2019; Jeju, South Korea, Oral Presentation

(2) He, Z. J. Effects of Amino Acids on the Kinetics of Dissociation and Degassing of Natural Gas Hydrates. 第二届国际海洋地质大会,20191018日至1020; 大连, 口头报告

(3) He, Z. J. Molecular Simulation Design of Biomimetic Functional Nanochannels for Ion Transport. 11届计算物理国际会议,2019624628; 杭州, 口头报告

(4) He, Z. J. Molecular Simulation Study on the Formation of CO2 Hydrate in the Slit Pores of Marine Sediments.岩土物理化学前沿交叉青年论坛,2019426428; 武汉, 口头报告

(5) He, Z. J.; Jiang, J. W. Molecular Insights into the Formation Kinetics of Methane Hydrate in the Porous Media of MIL-101 Metal Organic Framework. 第十二届甲烷水合物研究与开发国际会议,20181031113; 成都, 展板报告

(6) He, Z. J.; Linga, P.; Jiang, J. W. Effects of Silica and Graphite Surfaces on the Formation of CH4 Hydrates: A Molecular Simulation Study. 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH9), June 25-30, 2017; Denver, Colorado USA, Oral Presentation

(7) He, Z. J.; Linga, P.; Jiang, J. W. Molecular Dynamics Study on the Formation of Carbon Dioxide Hydrates from Two-Phase System of Water and Liquid Carbon Dioxide. 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH9), June 25-30, 2017; Denver, Colorado USA, Poster Presentation

(8) He, Z. J.; Gupta, K. M.; Linga, P.; Jiang, J. W. Microsecond Molecular Simulations on the Nucleation and Growth of CH4/CO2 Mixed Hydrates. The 8th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES-8), July 19-22, 2016; Singapore, Oral Presentation



Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering审稿人

Chemical Engineering Science审稿人





(2) 西南交通大学优秀毕业生,2009.6

(1) 2006年全国大学生数学建模竞赛国家一等奖,2007年全国大学生数学建模竞赛四川省一等奖