












2013.09 – 2019.06 博士研究生 中国石油大学(华东) 石油工程学院   导师:任韶然

2017.11 – 2018.11 访问学者  苏黎世联邦理工大学     地球科学院      导师:Martin O. Saar

2009.09 – 2013.07 本 科   中国石油大学(华东) 石油工程学院     导师:任韶然



2019.09 –至 今   副教授     中国地质大学(武汉) 工程学院

2015.09 – 2019.06   实验室助理  中国石油大学(华东) 石油工程学院

2017.11 – 2018.11  访问学者   苏黎世联邦理工大学     地球科学院






硕士招生专业: 地质工程、石油工程、岩土工程






1. 2019  校优秀博士论文

2. 2019  山东省优秀学生

3. 2019  山东省优秀毕业生

4. 2017  博士研究生国家奖学金

5. 2017  校学术十杰荣誉称号

6. 2017  国家留学基金

7. 2017  国际Eni Award提名奖

8. 2015  博士入学奖学金



1. 2013 — 至今    Society of Petroleum Engineers会员

2. 2015 — 至今    Applied EnergyEnergyGeothermicsJournal of CO2 UtilizationGeothermicsJournal of Petroleum Science and Engineering及高校化学工程学报 等期刊审稿人



1. 室内实验:注气驱替实验、流动反应模拟、高温高压地化反应等高温高压实验设计及操作

2. 油藏模拟:精通CMGPetrel等油藏地质软件

3. 地热模拟:精通TOUGH以及PFLOTRAN等开源软件

4. 编程技术:熟悉matlabpython以及C语言编程



1. 2017 — 2018    意大利Apennines地区深部CO2潜在运移机制—地热对流及其影响。负责人,国家留学基金委资助

2. 2017 — 2018   高温气藏地热开发:CO2循环携热机制研究。负责人,中央高校基本科研业务 No. 17CX06006

3. 2017 — 2018    注超临界CO2开采地热及地质埋存:岩石流体作用及其影响。负责人,校研究生创新工程资助 No. YCX2017022

4. 2017 — 2018    利用水平井自循环技术开发致密干热岩地热能方法。负责人,中国石油大学(华东)金点子资助

5. 2018 — 至今    西宁市高矿化度地下热水开发利用技术研究。主要参与人,青海省环境地质勘查局

6. 2017 — 至今    利用 CO2循环开采高温废弃气藏地热机制及潜力评价研究。主要参与人,国家自然科学基金资助No. 51674282

7. 2013 — 2015    超临界 CO2在砂岩地热储层中的渗流特征及采热能力研究。主要参与人,山东省自然科学基金资助 No. 2013ZRE28076

8. 2013 — 2015    CO2 开采地热过程中的岩石流体作用规律及对 CO2采热能力的影响。主要参与人,青岛市自然科学金 No. 13-1-4-254-jch

9. 2014 — 2015    油田CO2封存渗漏机制及模型研究。主要参与人,中石化胜利油田分公司 No. 30200022-14-ZC0613-2

10. 2018 — 2020    深水开发井井筒流动保障技术研究。主要参与人,中海油十三五重大科研项目 No. CCL2018ZJFN0461

11. 2015 — 2019    海洋深水油气安全高效钻完井基础研究。主要参与人,国家重点基础研究发展计划 (973计划) No. 2015CB251201.



1. 2018    9th European Geothermal PhD Days. Zurich, Switzerland, 14 – 16 March 2018.

2. 2016    The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016, Beijing, China, 8-11 October, 2016.

3. 2015    Carbon Management Technology Conference held in Sugarland, Texas, USA, 17–19 November 2015.








1) Guodong Cui*, Shaoran Ren, Zhenhua Rui*, Justin Ezekiel, Liang Zhang*, Hongsheng Wang. The influence of complicated fluid-rock interactions on the geothermal exploitation in the CO2 plume geothermal system. Applied Energy, 2018, 227: 49-63. (SCI一区, IF 7.900, citation 60, 高被引)

2) Guodong Cui*, Yi Wang, Zhenhua Rui*, Bailian Chen, Shaoran Ren*, LiangZhang. Assessing the combined influence of fluid-rock interactions on reservoir properties and injectivity during CO2 storage in saline aquifers, Energy, 2018, 155: 281-296. (SCI一区, IF 4.968, citation 26, 高被引)

3) Guodong Cui*, Shaoran Ren, Liang Zhang, Yi Wang, Panfeng Zhang. Injection of supercritical CO2 for geothermal exploitation from singleand dual-continuum reservoirs: Heat mining performance and salt precipitation. Geothermics, 2018, 73: 48-59. (SCI二区, IF 2.693, citation 2)

4) Guodong Cui*, Liang Zhang, Chunyang Tan, Shaoran Ren*, Yuan Zhuang, Chioma Enechukwu. Injection of supercritical CO2 for geothermal exploitation from sandstone and carbonate reservoirs: CO2–water–rock interactions and their effects. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2017, 20: 113-128. (SCI一区, IF 5.503, citation 24)

5)Guodong Cui*, Shaoran Ren*, Liang Zhang, Justin Ezekiel, Chioma Enechukwua, Yi Wang, RuiZhang. Geothermal exploitation from hot dry rocks via recycling heat transmission fluid in a horizontal well. Energy, 2017, 128: 366-377. (SCI一区, IF 4.968, citation 26)

6) Guodong Cui, Liang Zhang, Bo Ren, Chioma Enechukwu, Yanmin Liu, Shaoran Ren*. Geothermal exploitation from depleted high temperature gas reservoirs via recycling supercritical CO2: Heat mining rate and salt precipitation effects. Applied Energy, 2016, 183: 837-852. (SCI一区, IF 7.900, citation 15)

7) Yufeng Gu, Zhidong Bao, Guodong Cui*. Permeability prediction using hybrid techniques of continuous restricted Boltzmann machine, particle swarm optimization and support vector regression. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 59: 97-115.

8) Yi Wang, Liang Zhang, Guodong Cui, et al. Geothermal development and power generation by circulating water and isobutane via a closed-loop horizontal well from hot dry rocks. Renewable Energy, 2019, 136: 909-922.

9) Liang Zhan, Xi Li, Yin Zhang, Guoodng Cui, et al. CO2 injection for geothermal development associated with EGR and geological storage in depleted high-temperature gas reservoirs. Energy, 2017, 123: 139-148.

10) Liang Zhang*, Guodong Cui, Yin Zhang, Bo Ren, Shaoran Ren, Xiaohui Wang. Influence of pore water on the heat mining performance of supercritical CO2 injected for geothermal development. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2016, 16: 287-300. (SCI一区, IF 5.503, citation 19)

11) Liang Zhang, Xi Li, Bo Ren, Guodong Cui, et al. CO2 storage potential and trapping mechanisms in the H-59 block of Jilin oilfield China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2016, 49: 267-280.

12) Shufeng Pei, Yanyong Wang, Liang Zhang, Lijuan Huang, Guodong Cui, et al. An innovative nitrogen injection assisted in-situ conversion process for oil shale recovery: Mechanism and reservoir simulation study. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 171: 507-515.

13) Yufeng Gu, Zhidong Bao, Guodong Cui. Permeability prediction using hybrid techniques of continuous restricted Boltzmann machine, particle swarm optimization and support vector regression. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 59: 97-115.

14) Guodong Cui, Shufeng Pei, Panfeng Zhang, Liang Zhang, Shaoran Ren.Geothermal exploitation from the depleted high-temperature gas reservoir by recycling CO2: A case study of the Wen23 gas filed in China. Under review in Applied Energy.

15) Zhichao Qiu, Ruohan Yang, Zhengrong Ye, Guodong Cui*, et al. Geochemical reactions and its influence on reservoir porosity and permeability during CO2 injections for enhanced oil recovery. Under review in Petroleum Sciencey.

16) 崔国栋, 潘众, 杨昌华, 许艳梅, 张亮, 汪毅, 任韶然*. 盐水层CO2埋存时岩石流体综合作用及对选址影响 [J]. 高校化学工程学报, 2018, 32(3): 696-707EI

17) 崔国栋, 张亮, 任韶然*, 章杨. 油藏 CO2 驱及封存过程中地化反应特征及埋存效率 [J]. 中国石油大学学报自然科学版2017, 41(6): 123-131. EI

18) 崔国栋, 任韶然, 张亮*, 庄园, 王延永, 宫智武, 苏帅杰. 二氧化碳羽流地热系统中地层水回流和岩石-流体作用对采热能力的影响 [J]. 高校化学工程学报, 2016, 30(5): 1043-1052. EI

19) 崔国栋, 任韶然, 张亮,任博, 庄园, 李欣, 韩波, 张攀锋. 高温气藏地层水蒸发盐析规律及对产能的影响[J]. 石油勘探与开发, 2016, 43(5): 749-757. SCI三区, IF 2.065

20) 任韶然*, 崔国栋, 李德祥, 庄园, 李欣, 张亮. 注超临界CO2开采高温废弃气藏地热机制与采热能力分析 [J]. 中国石油大学学报自然科学版2016, 40(2): 91-98. EI



21) Guodong Cui, Liang Zhang, Shaoran Ren*. Assessment of heat mining rate for geothermal exploitation from depleted high-temperature gas reservoirs via recycling supercritical CO2. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105: 875-880.

22) Guodong Cui*, Liang Zhang, Shaoran Ren. Combined effects of geochemical reactions and salt precipitation on geothermal exploitation in the CPG system. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105: 1276-1281.

23) Guodong Cui, Liang Zhang, Bo Ren, Yuang Zhuang, Xin Li, Shaoran Ren, Xiaohui Wang. Geothermal exploitation with considering CO2 mineral sequestration in high Temperature depleted gas reservoir by CO2 injection. 2015, Carbon Management Technology Conference, USA.

24) Liang Zhang, Xi Li, Bo Ren, Guodong Cui, et al. Preliminary assessment of CO2 storage potential in the H-59 block in Jilin oilfield CCS project. 2015, Carbon Management Technology Conference, USA.

25) Zhiwu Gong, Shaoran Ren, Liang Zhang,Guodong Cui, Yanyong Wang. Shallow Gas and Shallow Water Flow Induced by Natural Gas Hydrate Dissociation in Deep Water Sediments. 1-4 May, 2017, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA.

26) Liang Zhang, Dexiang Li, Bo Ren, Guodong Cui, et al. Potential assessment of CO2 geological storage in geothermal reservoirs associated with heat mining: Case studies from China. Energy Procedia, 2014, 63: 7651-7662.



1) 张亮, 崔国栋, 庄园, 许素丹, 杨若涵, 任韶然. 一种注CO2开采废弃高温气藏地热的工艺方法. 专利编号:ZL201610231370.5

2) 张亮, 崔国栋, 李欣, 任韶然. 注超临界CO2开采干热岩地热的预防渗漏工艺. 专利编号:ZL201410804911.X

3) 崔国栋, 张亮, 庄园, 任韶然. 一种单井压裂重力自循环开采干热岩地热方法. 申请号:201610231370.5

4) 崔国栋, 任韶然, 张亮, 庄园, 张锐. 一种利用长水平井自循环开采致密干热岩地热能的方法. 申请号:201610231296.7

5) 张亮, 崔国栋, 任韶然, 许素丹, 杨若涵. 一种利用地下热虹吸自循环开采干热岩地热方法. 申请号:CN201610231058.6